Demiboy Test

Do you think you may be demiboy, but aren’t certain? Take our demiboy test and see whether you are demiboy or not.

What Is a Demiboy Test?

With so many gender identities out there it’s easy to get lost. Our demiboy test will help you get back right on track. If this isn’t what you are looking for, we have a variety of different gender tests such as.

Quiz has 20 questions about you. There are no-nonsense filler questions that many websites use to rack up the question count. Each question is important and contributes to your result. Make sure to answer honestly to get an accurate result and find if demiboy is the right gender identity for you.

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Who Identifies As Demiboy?

Demiboy is a very misunderstood gender identity that often flies under the radar. It is a gender identity that describes people who partially, but not fully, identify as a boy or a man. It is also known as demiman, demimale, demilad, and demiguy. People who identify as demiboy may, or may not also identify as another gender alongside their partial male identity.

According to, demiboy as a gender identity was first mentioned in 2010. Since then it has gained popularity but is still one of the less-known identities.

Demiboy flag features three colors, gray, blue, and white. Gray color represents partial connection, the blue color represents masculinity, while the white color represents agender and non-binary identities.

am i demiboy

Am I a Demiboy?

The importance of gender identity has risen tremendously in the last few decades. We’re mostly allowed to express how we feel inside. But not everyone knows how to do that. Some people struggle immensely with their gender identity. They feel a profound sense of confusion and uncertainty, leaving them feeling lost.

If you are in the same boat, don’t worry. Exploring your gender identity is just like exploring anything new. The only difference is, you will feel at peace when you find where you truly belong. Demiboy is a gender identity for all those who identify partially as a man. Take a test like ours, or engage with other demiboys over forums to see if this is your identity.

Am I Demiboy or Genderfluid?

Demiboy is a partial identification as a man that people usually experience throughout their lives. On the other hand, genderfluidity describes people who may have shifts in their gender identification over time. This change can happen rapidly over a week, or take years.

The main difference is that genderfluid individuals may identify as demiboys for some time. However, if your partial identification with the male gender is constant, you are demiboy.

Demiboy vs Demigirl

Demigirls are a female-aligned counterpart of demiboys. It describes people who feel partially, but not entirely like a girl. It focuses on feminine characteristics, while demiboy identity’s focus is on its male counterpart. Both of these genders are a part of the demigender umbrella alongside deminonbinary, demifluid, and more.

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Am I Demiboy or Nonbinary?

Non-binary is an umbrella term that has countless identities under it. One of those identities is demiboy. Hence, everyone who identifies as demiboy is naturally nonbinary. On the contrary, a person who is nonbinary may or may not identify as demiboy. They may be agender, multigender, or something else entirely.

Demiboy vs Transgender

Unlike demiboys who experience only a partial connection to the male gender, transgender people identify with it completely. Of course, that’s only true for trans men. They have been assigned female at birth which doesn’t correlate with how they feel inside.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.