Red Flag Quiz

Nobody wants to be a person responsible for a failed relationship. This can get increasingly harder if you genuinely don’t know what you did wrong. Our red flag quiz will help you understand the areas you need to work and improve on.


Red Flag Quiz Explained

If you are wondering what your red flag is, you have come to the right place. With our red flag quiz, you will know what is sabotaging your relationships in mere minutes. The questions are fun and interactive, but also personal. Try to stay honest on all of the questions so you will get the most accurate result.

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What Are Red Flags?

Humans are sociable beings and we heavily depend on relationships with others. However, not all of them make our lives better. Some relationships can pull us down and leave us in a worse state. These negative relationships often share common signs, better known as - red flags. Red flags showcase that there might be unhealthy behavior between two people in a relationship.

That being said, not all red flags are equal. Depending on their severity, some could be fixable, while others call for a complete breakage of the relationship. The moment that a red sign appears, it’s important to pump the brakes and take a deep look at your relationship.

accurate red flag quiz

These are the Most Common Red Flags In a Relationship

Just like stop signs in traffic, red flags let us know it’s time to slow down and reassess our relationship. These are some of the most common red flags in relationships that you should avoid.

Lack Of Communication

A partner who deliberately refuses to communicate is a nightmare. They’re prone to ignoring calls and messages, and even discussing their day is trouble for them. This can easily leave their partner mentally exhausted and feeling worse than before. A healthy relationship should have a space in which both partners feel safe to express their emotions without judgment

Manipulative Behavior

Jealousy can increase gradually leading up to manipulative behavior. Isolating your partner from their friends and family is just one example of this behavior. These people also demand to know the whereabouts of their partner at all times.

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Disrespectful Behavior

Whether it’s treating you, or a random person in a bad manner, it can be a sign of a bigger problem down the road. It can lead to abuse such as name-calling or belittling their partner. Partners with this red flag are also quick to disregard your feelings and needs.

Lack Of Trust

Lack of trust can be connected to your jealousy. Have you ever found yourself accusing your partner of cheating while having no evidence? Another sign that you have a lack of trust towards your partner is reading their messages without their permission. Take our quiz if you are unsure if this is your red flag or not.


Wanting to be around your partner may seem cute at the beginning, but it’s often a sign of a much bigger problem. It can lead to a stunt in your personal growth. On top of that, ignoring your other relationship will leave you without any friends. This type of behavior is clingy and frowned upon.


Being aggressive is one of the most dangerous red flags out there. Relationships should be a haven, and one partner being aggressive can keep the other at the edge at all times. Even if it doesn’t lead to physical attacks, the strain on the mental health of the victim can not be understated.

red flag test

Recognizing Red Flags Is Important

Recognizing red flags in yourself, or your partner, can save you a lot of headaches and heartache down the road. It will keep you away from emotional and physical abuse. Whereas ignoring or not noticing red flags can result in a loss of self-worth and self-respect.

Spotting, and crucially, acting, on the red flags is an essential step towards more fulfilling and healthier relationships.

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What Should I Do If I Have Red Flags?

People always warn us to steer away from people with red flags. But what happens when we are the ones who have red flags hanging over us? The first step to recovery is recognizing that we have a problem.

Fixing our unhealthy patterns and behaviors will take time. It’s important to keep open and healthy communication with your partner. Moreover, together you should set boundaries that you must follow. If that still doesn’t help you, it would be advisable to seek outside help such as therapy or counseling.

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.