How Many Camels Am I Worth?

While they were mostly used in the past, camels are still a form of currency in some places. If you want to find out how many camels you are worth, look no further! Our camel calculator is among the most accurate ones.


What Is The Camel Calculator?

Camel calculator lets you determine your worth – in camel currency! It will evaluate various physical traits and make a final evaluation. If the game was available in the olden days, it would have determined the bride price.

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Camel Calculator Roots

Like many games, the camel worth game has roots in ancient cultural practices. In many cultures around the world, people were required to pay a bride price before taking a bride home. Livestock was used to make the price the most accessible option for many families. Gen-Z internet users have, however, popularized the game on various social media platforms and made it a hot topic again.

Camel Calculator

What Is The Purpose Of The Game?

The main purpose of the camel game is simple – entertainment. It is meant to be a fun experience, and its results shouldn't be taken too seriously. Among teenagers and many internet users, it is used to "measure" beauty levels. The person with the highest camel count is considered prettier than someone with a lower number. 

This conclusion is mainly drawn from the methods used to determine the livestock number. It will mainly focus on a person's physical features. While playing the game, however, you should try to have as much fun as possible without letting it get to your head. 

How To Play it

Playing the camel calculator is simple, and all you have to do is answer the presented questions. They will ask you about various details about yourself. Most of the evaluation metrics are based on your physical appearance. 

Once you answer these, it will progress to the final stage and give you the final count. You will also get a brief explanation of what the results mean for you. It is enjoyable and lets you know how many camels are you worth.

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This Will Affect Your Results

Your camel count will range from 10 to 110 camels in this game, depending on the evaluation. The game is heavily based on physical appearances. It is thus simpler to understand what will affect the overall prices you get;

#1. Age

Age plays an important part in the definition of beauty. Younger people are assumed to have fairer skin and fewer wrinkles. They are thus favored hugely in this game, and the younger you are, the higher camel count you will get. 

#2. Facial appearance

Your face is the first thing people will see when they meet you. It will thus play a huge role in determining your camel count. Different facial features will affect the overall count differently. Blond women will get higher results than shorter hair and many more. A masculine facial appearance will also draw a lower camel count. 

#3. Height

Height is also considered in evaluating your overall camel count. The results are different in men and women. In the former, taller men are considered better looking and attract a higher camel count. In the latter, however, average height is considered the best. Tall and short women will get slightly lower results. 

#4. Your body type

Just like in real life, the game takes into close consideration your body type to determine your overall beauty. It will also affect the camel count you get while you play. In the online test, males with a muscular appearance tend to have a higher camel count. In females, it will give those with a sexy and sporty appearance higher points and thus a better camel count.

Camel Worth Calculator 

Why Do Some People Hate Camel Calculators?

Like many things on the internet, some have taken offense to this game. They find it strange and politically incorrect based on the game's dark side about history. It is, however, understandable to some extent as this method was used to discriminate against and persecute women in some countries. In some cultures, such as the Somalis in East Africa, it is still practiced, and since it is deeply rooted in the people's culture, it is bound to continue. 

However, the main intent of the game was to bring laughter and joy to its players. You can try to focus on that while you play to ensure you don’t end up taking the results too seriously. Treat it just like any other game while still being aware of its history and current state in the real world. 

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The Camel Calculator is a great way to pass the time with your friends. You can also join other players from all over the world by sharing your results on social media. Finally, always remember your worth cannot be assessed in camel, and that it is all meant for laughs and fun!

Press “Start” to begin the Camel Calculator and find out how many camels are you worth!

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.