Am I Genderfluid? – 100% Honest Quiz

Gender is more nuanced than just male or female, and for some individuals, their sense of gender identity shifts regularly. How we dress, talk about ourselves, and other outward manifestations of our identities reflect our gender fluidity.

Given the very personalized nature of gender identification, the word “genderfluid” may be interpreted and used in a variety of ways. The term “gender fluidity” does not have a universally accepted meaning; however, you can take a genderfluid quiz to check the degree of fluidity of your gender.

If you want to check if you are genderfluid take a quiz now!


A Genderfluid Test For All Those In Doubt

There are several tests on the internet that claim to be 100% precise. Given the sensitive and personal nature of genderfluidity, it is difficult to form a questionnaire that fits all, but we are proud to say that our genderfluid quiz is the most accurate quiz online. It has 20 questions and these are just some of the questions it includes:

  • Firstly, what exactly does gender mean to you?
  • If you were free to express yourself however you wanted, would you stick to your current gender forever?
  • Would you identify differently if there were no fear?
  • How can you express and honor your gender identity?

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You may be genderfluid if you have trouble defining your gender and don’t identify with traditional masculine or feminine roles. Be honest and allow yourself the space and freedom to explore your identity. 

genderfluid quiz

What Is Genderfluid?

Genderfluid refers to a non-binary gender identification that may include many different expressions. Put another way; it defies the strict dichotomy that divides people into male and female categories.

Someone who is genderfluid may have shifts in their gender identification rather than a consistent one. Their gender can change over a week or perhaps even years.

There is a difference between gender fluidity and transgenderism when a person’s gender identification differs from what they were assigned at birth. Genderfluidity is more than just not conforming to the gender assigned to you; it involves changing one’s physical, cognitive, and emotional responses to the world. 

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Am I Genderfluid? These 5 Signs Say Yes!

Have you ever felt like you don’t quite fit into either the masculine or female binary? Here are 5 signs that your gender identity is fluid: 

You’re confused about your gender identity

The first and most common sign of gender fluidity is confusion. Genderfluid people have a hard time determining their gender identity. There are days when they strongly identify as a male, and then there are days when they feel more like a female. Sometimes they might feel like a little bit of both. Sometimes they might not want to identify as either. Confusion is a very normal sign that is seen among gender-fluid people.

The media’s portrayal of non-binary and gender-fluid people as completely confident in their gender identity at all times is exaggerated as it clashes with the lived experience of many genderfluid people, who have trouble identifying with a binary at any given moment and often struggle to decide how they identify physically.

honest genderfluid test

You feel like shuffling gender roles.

You might be genderfluid if you feel like the gender roles expected from you don’t fit you and you’d rather stand out.

The prospect of sticking to one gender is suffocating

You feel uneasy about spending the rest of your life categorized only as a man or a girl.

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Gender Dysphoria

Although this isn’t something that can only happen to those who identify as genderfluid, it can happen sometimes and may serve as a sign. 

In the genderfluid community, dysphoria describes a severe dissatisfaction with one’s biological gender. It is important to note that not all genderfluid people feel dysphoria, and having dysphoria is by no means “a prerequisite” to being genderfluid.

You feel like your preferred nouns keep shifting.

You may be genderfluid if you notice wanting to be addressed by a different name or pronoun. For example: having your significant other refer to you as “girlfriend” may seem natural, naturalistic, and even endearing one day, incorrect, jarring, and even revolting the next. 


Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.