Sexuality Quiz: 100% Honest Test to Determine Your Orientation

Are you confused about your sexual feelings? Don't worry, you are not alone. This sexuality quiz will help you discover your sexual orientation. On top of that, you will understand your inner thoughts and feelings better than before.


What Makes Our Sexuality Quiz Different

Unlike other sexuality quizzes on the internet, our test was carefully designed using a scientific approach. It features 20 specifically curated questions that allow us to guess your sexuality with near perfect accuracy.

The questions include true or false statements, questions about your personality and sexuality, as well as scenarios in which you will have to choose your potential reaction.

The importance of your honesty cannot be understated. Thus, make sure you pay attention to the questions and answer them with no fear. That way we will be able to get the most accurate results.

most accurate sexuality test

What is Sexuality?

Ever since humanity came into existence, there have been many questions and emotions when it comes to sexuality. With time and exploration, we have unearthed the secrets of sexuality. However, despite being in the 21st century, talking about sexuality is still considered a taboo.

Before you start to explore and unveil the secrets about your sexuality, you need to understand what it means. What exactly is sexuality? The word has its genesis in the Latin word, ‘sexus,’ which means sex.

So, does sexuality mean sex? No, sexuality is a term that defines your closeness with another human, the space where you get intimate or feel an emotional bond with someone. Depending upon your sexuality, this someone can be any person with or without the same sexuality as you.

It broadens into concepts of sexual tension, fantasies, etc. Your sexuality is what orientation you belong to and who you feel sexually attracted to. Some of the most common sexualities are homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality.

Different types of sexualities

Most people are confused when it comes to determining their gender identity. Especially at puberty, young people struggle with figuring out their sexual orientation. Exploring may not always be an option, and no one wants to be alone. That is why our sexuality test is one of the best ways to discover your sexuality.

There are different types of sexual orientations. Read and learn which you relate to the most.

what is my sexuality


This is the most common sexuality. Heterosexuals are attracted to people of the opposite sex.


They are sexually attracted to people of the same sex and have an emotional attraction towards same-sex people.


A bisexual person can get physically and emotionally attracted to people of both sexes. Both men and women can be bisexual.


They admire androgynous people or people who have both male and female features.


They reject sexuality labels and do not identify with them. They determine their sexuality on their own.


A little more complex, Demisexuals are attracted sexually to people only when there is a strong emotional bond with them.


Pansexuals look beyond gender and sexual orientation labels. They look beyond the bipolar gender division and fall in love with any human being, regardless of gender or orientation.


Asexuals are people who lack any sexual attraction to any gender or sexuality. They may get emotional or mental attractions, but they do not feel sexual attractions.

There are more sexualities than the ones we have mentioned. But you are now familiar with all the basic information you need to know about sexuality.

Helpful Resources

Despite sexuality being discussed more than ever, some orientations are sadly treated different than others. They are ignored, ridiculed, or even forbidden by law in certain countries. So it's no surprise that many people are afraid to express their sexuality. If that sounds like you, these links might be useful.

Learn More About Sexualities - Beyond Blue

How To Come Out - Trevor Project

Support Resources For LGBTQ People - National Council On Family Relations

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.