Am I Aromantic: Best Aromantic Test

With each passing day, conversations around sexuality are increasing. Thanks to improved self-awareness, people are discovering new things about themselves each day. And it's no different when it comes to sexuality and romantic orientations. Aromanticism is just one of the many romantic orientations possible. As is usually the case, not many people know what exactly the term means.

Do you think you might be an Aromantic? Or, are you just curious to know more about Aromanticism and Aromantics? Whatever the case, our specially-curated Aromantic Test is here for you to take!


Take Our Ultimate Aromantic Test

We have put together a set of 20 questions for you to answer. Our questions are fun and thought-provoking at the same time. So, make sure that you think long and hard before choosing your answers! They're all vital in answering the question "am I aromantic".

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Am I Aromantic?

Do you frequently ask yourself: "Am I Aromantic?". If yes, then let's first see who the Aromantics are. To put it simply, Aromantics are those who don't feel a romantic connection with others. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that they won't feel sexual attraction as well.

To set the record straight, while they won't feel any romantic attraction, they can still feel sexually attracted to other people. Again, this is not true for all Aromantics, as no two people are the same. There are two categories you can familiarize yourself with: Aromantic Sexual people and Aromantic Asexual People.

They can feel sexually attracted to others, despite the absence of romantic feelings. On the other hand, Aromantic Asexual people neither feel romantically nor sexually attracted to others. Lastly, some of them often call themselves 'Aro' for short. Do you think you are Aro as well?

Am I Aromantic Quiz

Types of Aromantics

There is more to Aromanticism than just the Aromantic Sexual and Aromantic Asexual categories. We made this Aromantic quiz to help you find which group do you belong in. Take a look at the different types of Aromantics:


Demiromantic people can develop a romantic attraction with others, provided they can form a strong emotional bond with them first.


The term Lithromantic is used for those who can feel romantic attractions towards others. There's a catch, though: If the person they're attracted to reciprocates the feeling, Lithromantics tend to lose interest.


They are the people who can get through their entire lives without romantically feeling attracted to anyone. However, if a once-in-blue-moon kind of person crosses their paths, there's a chance greyromantics might develop feelings for them. But, the chances of this happening are very low.


This term can be a mouthful. Are you wondering who it refers to? The Aromantics who have a hard time telling the difference between a romantic attraction and a platonic one are usually called Quoiromantics.


Can you be Aromantic and still want to have a romantic relationship with others? Yes, you can. Cupioromantics are proof for the same.


Signs of Aromanticism

If you're still unsure about whether or not you're an Aromantic, the best way to dispel your doubts is by taking a reliable Aromantic quiz, like the one we've put together for you. If you'd like to be doubly sure, here are a few signs you can be on the lookout for:

  • Not Sure About How You Feel Towards the Idea of Romanticism: Are you unable to decide whether the idea of romantic love and attraction is a 'Yay!' or 'Nay!' for you? During the initial stages, most Aromantics tend to grapple with the same dilemma.
  • Romantic Love Doesn't Excite You: Do you feel like rolling your eyes when others around you fawn over meeting their one true love? You're not alone. Most Aromantics tend to feel the same way.
  • You're Open to Other Relationships: Just because you think you are or might be an Aromantic doesn't mean that you can't have meaningful relationships with others. It's that you'd rather form meaningful friendships or platonic relationships with others.

You are just 20 questions away from finding out if you are Aromantic or not. So what are you waiting for? Take our Aromantic test and put your mind at ease.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.