Am I Trans Quiz

Knowing your gender is paramount in your self-development and happiness. But what if you don’t know what your gender is? What if you feel trapped inside your body and think that the traditional binary genders don’t apply to you? That’s where our am I trans quiz comes in handy.


Take the ‘Am I trans’ Quiz If You Are Confused

Unlike other quizzes online, our trans test has specially curated questions that allow us to take a deep dive into your inner self. It features 20 questions and each of them is paramount in determining if you are trans or not. That’s why you must answer honestly all of the questions to get the most accurate result.

Each question has multiple answers, but you will be able to select only one. Make sure that the answer you choose is closely related to you. Even if you already identify as trans, this quiz is a perfect opportunity for you to solidify it.

trans test

ALSO TRY: Am I Nonbinary?

What Is Transgender?

We meet hundreds of different kinds of challenges every day, but none is harder than the challenge to understand ourselves. Especially regarding our inner self. When we are born, we are assigned one of two genders - male or female. Following that, our parents shape us into that gender by using specific dressing styles, toy preferences, and activities.

But that is caveman logic. We are no longer bound by the binary genders. Individuals are encouraged to express their gender and sexuality openly. Currently, the world has identified around 72 different genders that people choose to express themselves as. Transgender is one of them. It’s important to note that gender is completely different from sexuality.

Gender is how a person may feel on the inside and how they choose to express themselves as an individual on the outside. Transgenders are people whose gender doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth. Therefore, deciding if you are transgender or not may be complicated. But, it doesn't have to be. Simply take our transgender test and get the result.

accurate trans quiz

4 Signs That You Might Be Trans

Being trans is not something that gets revealed to you at a certain point in life. It is something you might have always felt but failed to identify.

For example, if you were assigned the gender male at birth, you must have enjoyed doing girly things growing up but never realized why that might be happening. Or in case you have already identified as being trans, society may still try to mold you into a certain gender, so your true gender gets lost somewhere.

You Love Dressing Up As Opposite Gender

Sometimes looking at your wardrobe can be repulsive. On the other hand, your partner’s or siblings' clothes can make you happy and feel alive. It’s very common for transgenders to dress up as their true gender and leave the social norms behind.

You Aren’t Interested In Traditional Gender Roles

When we are just kids, we are separated into two different worlds. One has cars, soldiers, and sports, while the other is full of dolls and kitchen sets. The same separation follows us around our whole lives. Finding yourself enjoying things meant for the opposite gender can be one of the first signs that you are trans.


You Don’t Like Your Name

You don't like your binary name because you don’t associate yourself with the gender that that name is for. Instead, you prefer using a name that is usually reserved for the other gender.

You Don’t Engage In Conventional Gender Conversations Or Activities

You find yourself dodging the topic of conventional gender activities during conversations because you feel uncomfortable talking about something you don’t identify with.

If you have ever thought that any of these signs apply to you, you should take our test to see whether you identify as transgender or not.

The Test Said I Am Trans, What Now?

Based on the answers you provided, our transgender test determined that you are indeed trans. However, your journey doesn't end here. You have to embrace who you are. Moreover, if you are comfortable enough, you might want to share this with people close to you.

On the other hand, if you are still struggling to understand your feelings and thoughts, it might be good to reach out to a therapist or counselor. They will be able to guide you on the road of self-discovery.

Useful links:

Transgender Subreddit

Discord Servers

Resources For Trans People

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.