Hypersexualty Quiz – 100% Honest Test

Are naughty thoughts on your mind all the time? You might be hypersexual. Take this quiz and see if you have a sex addiction.

Discover If You Have Sex Addiction

Spotting whether or not you have hypersexuality can be difficult. After all, people who struggle with it for a long period of time will subconsciously alter their thought processes and life circumstances to match their addiction. 

That is precisely why an objective party, such as our quiz, is a great way of confirming or refuting this condition. With the help of psychologists, we created a 20-question quiz to point you in the right direction.

What Is Hypersexuality?

Hypersexuality, more commonly known as sex addiction, is an obsessive preoccupation with sex, sexual acts, and sexual fantasies. While it is common for people to think of sex, once it starts disrupting a person’s daily life it becomes problematic. 

Hypersexuality can lead to depression, putting strain on a person’s professional and private relationships, usage of drugs and alcohol, and even legal repercussions.

What Causes It?

There is no clear cause of hypersexuality. Research has shown that epilepsy could damage certain parts of the brain and trigger it. Moreover, an imbalance of dopamine could be the cause of hypersexuality. 

The Department of Psychiatry in Hannover, Germany found out that hypersexuality often comes hand in hand with interpersonal difficulties. Therefore, it is still hard to deduce whether this condition is caused is caused by another condition, or it causes further disorders.

4 Signs That You Are Hypersexual

Like with many other conditions, it can be hard for a person suffering from hypersexuality to spot it. That said, it becomes much easier if you look at it objectively. Here are some of the most common signs of hypersexuality.

You Can’t Stop Thinking About Sex

People suffering from hypersexuality simply can’t stop thinking about sex. It becomes such a burden in their lives they have to alter their daily routines around it. Additionally, they may engage in risky behaviors to put their minds at ease.

You Feel Shame 

Some people with hypersexual disorder feel shame and anxiety. It can occur due to their inability to control their urges, or after satisfying them. For instance, some people use sex as a way of dealing with their problems. But, once the deed is done, they resort to being unhappy and upset.

You Engage In Self Pleasuring Often

Self-pleasuring can be a great way of exploring your sexuality. On top of that, it is a great way to express your sexual drive. Nevertheless, doing so too often, at inappropriate times and places, can be hinting at a bigger problem. 

You Can’t Form Longlasting Relationships

Those suffering from sex addiction rarely have a problem being intimate with strangers. That changes once they are close to someone. They may feel bad about being unable to separate sex from emotional intimacy. In return, they struggle to form long-lasting and healthy relationships.

The Test Said I am Hypersexual, What Now?

While our quiz is not perfect, it is a great stepping stone when it comes to dealing with hypersexuality. Those who get a positive result should always consult a therapist or a psychologist. These professionals will tell you more about it, as well as how to cope and recover from it.

Here are some additional resources you may find useful:

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.