Snowflake Test: 100% Accurate Quiz

Over the years, the term 'Snowflake' has taken on different meanings. So, what's the most recent status of the word? The word on the street is that 'Snowflake' does not have a good connotation in today's popular jargon.

The term 'Snowflake' is often used to label those who find it hard to keep an open mind. Additionally, Snowflake is also used for people who get offended easily, for folks who have a hard time accepting others' viewpoints, and for those who are convinced that they are better than the rest of the world.

The Snowflake Test is very popular amongst the Millennials and the Gen-Zers, mainly because they get labeled as 'Snowflakes' more often than they'd like.

Have you been called a Snowflake before, and you don't know why? Do you think you might be a Snowflake? Or is it a classic curiosity-got-the-cat case? Whatever the reason, feel free to take our Snowflake Test now!


The Snowflake Test

If you've taken a Snowflake test or quiz before, you'll know that there's no one-size-fits-all format. Some Snowflake tests come with fun questions, while others might have more serious ones. But, there's one thing that all Snowflake quizzes have in common- the questions will be deep and challenging.

If you take our Snowflake Quiz, you will have to answer 20 questions. Our questions are fun, quirky, and thought-provoking – you're in for some intense contemplation!  After finishing the quiz, you'll be able to view your results.

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The Story Behind Snowflake

It all started in the late 1800s when quite a few Americans thought it would be a good idea to call white folks who supported slavery Snowflakes. However, the buck did not stop there.

Fast forward to a hundred years later. It was the late 1900s, and the term 'Snowflake' was back in vogue again. Only this time, it was used by the members of the black community to call out fellow blacks who liked to pretend that they were white.

During the 2010s, 'Snowflake' managed to get involved in politics. This time around, supporters of political parties began using the term to get on the nerves of those who supported the rival parties.

In this context, a Snowflake was anyone who got offended easily. And, cut to 2021, the meaning is still the same.

Snowflake Quiz Online

Why Is Snowflake Still Popular?

Let's cut right to the chase. It comes as no surprise that the term 'Snowflake' has gained popularity since the 2010s. So much so that The Guardian dubbed the phrase 'poor little Snowflake' as being the "defining insult of 2016".

As language got politicized, so did 'Snowflake.' From Brexit to Donald Trump, the term has been thrown around more times than we can count. Also, with all the noise around free speech, it became easier to call someone a 'Snowflake.' And today's cancel-culture wasted no time in picking up the term.

Nobody really likes being called a Snowflake. To be sure, millennials have been flocking to Snowflake tests quizzes to understand themselves better. Even some employers have jumped onto the bandwagon by using Snowflake tests to evaluate the sensitivity of candidates.

A Snowflake Test Online to Sweep Away Your Doubts

If you are itching to take our Snowflake Test, we won't keep you any longer. Remember, everything said and done, at the end of the day, Snowflake is just a term.

You don't have to let a term like Snowflake determine your self-worth. After all, words can't alter your personality. If your unique way of looking at things bothers others, it isn't your fault!

And, who said that you couldn't be like the beautiful, uniquely patterned Snowflakes that people simply love collecting during winter?

Take our Snowflake Test in the right spirit, and have some fun!

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Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.