Am I Gay Quiz

We are living in an age where more often than not, each individual has a right to their own freedom. Unfortunately, people that act differently than what is standardized are often frowned upon. It is still uncomfortable for most homosexual people to express their views publicly. Our Am I gay quiz will help you find out more about yourself. The quiz simply determines if one is gay or not and is the most accurate test in 2022. If you think you might be asexual or bisexual, we have a sexuality quiz for you.


How Gay Am I Test?

There are different stages to everything, and the same is true for homosexuality. That's why many often wonder how gay they are. Well, wonder no more. With our test you will find out how gay you are on a scale of 1-100. Our specially curated questions will allow us to take a deep dive into your sexuality and provide you with an answer. It's crucial that you remain truthful to get the most accurate result.

how gay am i test

Society’s View

Currently, world is moving at an extremely high pace. In the last 100 years we had women receive their rights for the first time. It is wild to think about how short ago that actually was. When talking about homosexuality, it was a taboo topic just 20 years ago. Today, people are much more open about individual’s thoughts and decisions. Sadly, there are still places that discussing your sexuality is not welcomed.

Currently there are only 29 countries in the world that allow same-sex marriage. Furthermore, a dozen more countries recognize it as a civil union. When compared to these numbers, the fact that there are 33 countries preventing same sex marriage constitutionally is soul crushing.

If we look back in the past, homosexuality was nothing unusual. Ancient Greeks didn’t distinguish sexuality by the person’s gender. Nowadays, people of religion complain that it is not the way God wanted it. A notion that homosexuality is based on genetics hasn’t been proven by scientists yet.

The current understanding is that it is a combination of biological and environmental factors. Furthermore, it is developed at a very young age. Many men find it hard to experiment with their sexuality and remain unhappy throughout their lives.

ALSO TRY: Am I Aromantic?


Discovering something about yourself that others do not approve can be very scary. But don't be! It is perfectly normal to be attracted to the same gender. Growing up in a family that rejects person’s beliefs and looks at everyone the way they want to is especially tough. Our Am I Gay quiz will do it’s best to determine whether you are gay or not. Do note though that this is not a professional evaluation. It will look only at the common signs and make a decision based on that. Secondly, there are no tests that are foolproof so take them all with a grain of salt.

Gay Test 2022

When “coming out of the closet” you should be comfortable with your decision. Before doing so, test the waters first and ask the people closest to you what do they think about gay people. If their reaction is negative, how sure are you that they will accept you for who you are? On the other hand, they might be accepting and you’ll have someone you can trust. Of course, that whole process shouldn’t be there. Especially for your loved ones. They should accept you no matter what.

No matter which path you take, be honest with yourself. Each person is a hero in their own story. Just because someone says you as a boy have to like girls it doesn’t mean it has to be that way. Experiment with your sexuality and surround yourself with people that care about you. They are important for your growth and support.


Sadly, many people still dislike anything other than heterosexuality. You might be in a family that is firmly against it. Furthermore, you might be confused and scared. This is when you will need support of your peers the most. There are numerous LGBT groups that are always looking for new members. Another good way of connecting with others is during the LGBTQ+ Pride Month that occurs in June every year.

If you need further advice check out this article.

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Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.