Which Better Call Saul Character Are You?

Better Call Saul takes place before the events of Breaking Bad. It follows the life of Saul Goodman, formerly Jimmy McGill, a struggling lawyer trying to make his name known. It also follows the rise of Gustavo Fring and brings many characters like Mike closer to the viewers.

After the final season of Breaking Bad, many believed it was virtually impossible to replicate its success. It is extremely rare for a TV show that lasts for multiple seasons to maintain excellence. In fact, many have described Breaking Bad as one of the best TV shows of all time. And yet, Better Call Saul has an argument of being an even better show than its predecessor. 

Although many of the characters are overlapping with Breaking Bad, you are here to see which Better Call Saul character you are. Start our quiz by hitting the ‘Start’ button and find out.


Better Call Saul Quiz

Our Better Call Saul quiz consists of various types of questions. You will be placed in various scenarios where your decisions will determine the fate of different characters. Take your time and answer all of the questions truthfully. Are you ready to find out which ‘Better Call Saul’ character you are?

Jimmy McGill

Originally a con artist, Jimmy turned his life around and became a lawyer. However, his older brother Chuck didn’t see it that way. He blocked Jimmy from becoming a lawyer at his company because he didn’t graduate from a well-known school.

Initially, Jimmy is a caring lawyer that genuinely wants to help his clients. The resentment from his brother slowly pushes him into his old con ways. He starts fabricating evidence, manipulating people for his own good, and even bribing his clients. After some time, Jimmy stops being Jimmy completely.

He accepts the persona of Saul Goodman, a master criminal lawyer. Saul works as a bridge between the criminal and lawful worlds. Even though he appears incompetent (partially because of the TV commercials and his appearance), Saul is capable of defending any criminal. By the end of the show, he rarely shows remorse and feelings for others. His actions are motivated purely by greed and ambition.

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Netflix Better Call Saul Test

Michael Ehrmantraut

If you need a fixer then you need Mike. He is a former soldier turned police officer with an extensive list of skills. He is well trained in all types of combat and has substantial knowledge about the forensic evidence and surveillance equipment.

When he first met Jimmy, Mike was working as a parking lot officer. He joins the criminal world after finding out about the bad situation that his daughter-in-law and granddaughter are in. He rarely feels remorse for his actions, but also never turns to unnecessary cruelty. 

Mike is known for his rational and calm personality. He always tries to get the best outcome for all parties. On top of that, he is protective and caring of his loved ones. He didn’t spend any of the money he earned from his criminal activities. He intended to leave all of it to his beloved granddaughter, Kaylee. 

Gustavo Fring

A friendly and caring owner of Los Pollos Hermanos. That is surely one of the ways people of Albuquerque would describe Gustavo Fring. I mean, how often do you see an owner of a successful restaurant chain serving food to customers alongside his employees. He is also a large contributor to the DEA office, as well as a member of the hospital board. 

He maintains his caring persona to fool everyone around him. This quiet and humble business entrepreneur is actually a major drug kingpin. He uses his restaurants as a front for methamphetamine distribution in the United States.

Gus is a ruthless and cold-blooded murderer. He is also a massive control freak who gets easily irritated when things don’t go the way he envisioned them. He appreciates professionalism and caution in his colleagues. He also carefully chooses whom he does business with. 

Kim Wexler

Kim is a kind, caring, intelligent, and excellent lawyer. She works to bring justice to her clients and shows her caring nature on numerous occasions. She is loyal to Jimmy and loves him unconditionally, first as a friend, and then as a girlfriend and a wife.

Even though she appears disgusted by Jimmy’s unethical ways of gaining an advantage over his opponents, she secretly admires him for getting whatever he wants. When presented with options to either stay loyal to Jimmy or keep her kind side, she chooses to stay with Jimmy. She becomes ignorant of his bad behavior and even supports him in his malicious actions. 

Kim intentionally pushes Jimmy against Howard which ultimately leads to his death.

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Nacho Varga

Nacho is a well-known criminal who has worked with Tuco, Hector and Lalo Salamanca. Due to his nature of betraying his “master”, Gus was unwilling to trust him. Nacho often chose to remain quiet and observe, a trait that he respected Mike for tremendously. 

He is an intelligent, reserved, and loyal criminal. He loves working under the radar and does everything in his power to avoid unnecessary deaths. He is also very caring, especially towards his father Manuel. 

Now that you know a bit more about the most popular characters in ‘Better Call Saul’, which character do you think you relate to the most? 

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.