Which Stranger Things Villain Are You?

Anyone who watches TV shows and spends their nights in front of Netflix has heard of Stranger Things. It’s a show about a group of kids who have to save the world from the dangers that Upside Down brings.

But not everyone aligns with the “good guys” and wants to be a hero. That’s why we created this Stranger Things villain quiz that will show which antagonist you relate to the most. On the other hand, if you want to see if you are Will, Eleven or someone else we have another Stranger Things character quiz.

Stranger Things Villain Quiz

Are you tired of the heroes always winning while your favorite villain is left devastated, or worse, dead? If the answer is yes, then you came to the right place. With our test, you will be able to see which Stranger Things villain you are closest to.

The questions will be of various formats. In some you will have to choose your reaction to a situation, others will be multiple-choice, and there are even true or false statements. There’s something for everybody. Read on before proceeding with the quiz and you will surely learn something new about these notorious characters.

stranger things villain quiz


The villain introduced in the 4th season, Vecna, is a mastermind who is responsible for everything that exists in Upside Down. After being banished to the unknown realm by Eleven, Vecna didn’t give up. Instead, he built his own empire with one goal in his mind – destroying the living world.

Vecna’s story is a dark one. During his childhood he grew resentful of other humans, blaming them for everything that is wrong in the world. He thought of spiders as the ultimate creatures and the gods of the natural kingdom. He is very egocentric, misanthropic, and even nihilistic. All of these bad qualities got even worse once he transformed into Vecna.

While he was still a child he murdered his family. And that was just the beginning. Throughout his life, he tormented countless victims making them relive their worst moments before killing them.

The Mind Flayer

The best way you can describe The Mind Flayer is by calling it a gigantic, mysterious entity. It was primarily present in season two when Will would have visions of it destroying Hawkins. It was found by Henry Creel when he was banished to Upside Down.

You have to think of The Mind Flayer as the brain of the whole Upside Down. It controls Demogorgons, vines, and Demobats. For a short period, it even possessed humans. Some of its powers include The hive mind, Resilience, Weather manipulation, Power negation, and High-speed travel.

But that doesn’t mean it has no weaknesses. It’s particularly sensitive to heat. On top of that, the power that came with the hive mind also became its weakness. Any pain that an entity inside the hive mind felt was shared with others.

am i demogoron or vecna


The first villain that this TV show has seen. It’s first mentioned in the very first episode of the show while the boys are playing Dungeons & Dragons. It’s a predatory creature of humanlike stature that is weak against fire. It has elongated limbs making it particularly scary.

Whenever a Demogorgon is around you can hear it. Its presence is preceded by growls and shrieks, as well as flickering lights. It’s an extremely powerful and strong creature. Alongside that, it has the power of telekinesis and can heal any wound rapidly. And even if you manage to kill it, there are high chances that you are going to be meeting another one soon.

The Spider Monster

The Spider Monster was a proxy form of the Mind Flayer that fought Eleven and the group of friends in the Starcourt Mall. In the beginning, it was just a small creature. But after a dozen of students were possessed by the Mind Flayer and melted down, the creature grew into its strongest form.

It was roughly 30 feet tall. It consisted of human and rodent remains and had 6 spider-like legs. Even though it looks and sounds scary, it was not the Mind Flayer’s greatest creation. It had dysfunctional limbs and even though it was a formidable opponent, it was ultimately defeated by Eleven.


The majority of the dogs are cute and adorable. But not these dogs. Demodog is the fifth stage of Demogorgon’s lifecycle. It is the size of a large dog and can dig tunnels with ease. They are also excellent climbers and no surface is too steep for them. In season 2 they attacked and killed Bob Newby.

Jerry is our entertainment guru, combining his love for movies, TV shows, and games into captivating quizzes. With an encyclopedic knowledge of the entertainment world, Jerry crafts quizzes that challenge your pop culture and gaming expertise. From classic films to the latest video games, his quizzes encompass it all. Whether you're a cinephile, a TV series addict, or a gaming enthusiast, Jerry's quizzes will put your knowledge to the test.