Omnisexual Test – Am I Omnisexual?

Finding out your sexuality is a complex and long process. We took a crack at shortening it by developing this fun omnisexual test. Give it a go and see if you are a member of this exciting sexuality or not.


Omnisexual Test Explained

Creating a test that will answer a question as complex as sexuality is practically impossible. That’s why it’s crucial to take this and every other sexuality quiz with a grain of salt. 

Our omnisexual test has 20 questions that focus on your sexuality and has no-nonsense questions. There is a variety of question types. The most common ones are the questions in which you will be presented with a statement and you will have to select a response. There are also true or false statements and scenario questions in which you will have to choose your reaction in the provided context.

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What Is Omnisexual?

Omnisexuality is a label used to describe people that are sexually attracted to anyone, regardless of their gender. However, the gender of the person they’re attracted to still plays a major role for omnisexuals. Per The Trevor Project, it falls under the multisexuality umbrella alongside bisexual, queer, pansexual, abrosexual, and skoliosexual. 

The prefix “omni” comes from the Latin meaning all. According to, it was first mentioned by the poet Lawrence Lipton in 1959. With the rise of the internet in the early 2000s the term omnisexual became spread worldwide. Every year on the 21st of March the world celebrates omnisexuality.

am i omnisexual

How Is Omnisexual Different From Pansexual?

Pansexual and omnisexual are two labels that are often used interchangeably. But that is wrong. While it is true that the two terms are nearly identical, there is a slight difference between them. 

Pansexuals don’t pay attention to the gender of the person they’re attracted to. Some pansexuals even prefer being called “gender-blind” due to the fact they simply don’t notice other people's gender. 

On the other hand, omnisexuals notice and put importance on gender. Sure, they can still be attracted to anyone regardless of their gender, but it is still relevant for them. If you are having a hard time understanding if you are pan or omni, we have a separate quiz just for that.

How Is Omnisexual Different From Polysexual?

As they fall under the same multisexual umbrella, polysexual and omnisexual are similar. Yet, there’s a clear distinction between these two sexualities. First, we need to understand what polysexuality is. Polysexual people can be attracted to some or many genders, but not all of them. Whereas omnisexual people can be attracted to all genders.

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Myths About Omnisexuals

Relating to omnisexuality can be difficult for individuals because it’s not as widespread as other similar sexualities. People quickly dismiss it and bundle omnisexual people with bisexuals and pansexuals. 

Moreover, there is a common myth that omnisexual people can’t settle down with one person. It’s even believed that they’re more likely to cheat on their partner compared to other sexualities. That is plain wrong. 

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.