Am I Polyamorous Quiz

Exploring polyamory can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With this quiz, you can quickly find out if you are polyamorous or not.

What Is the ‘Am I Polyamorous Test’?

As the name implies, the ‘Am I polyamorous test’ is used for finding out if you are polyamorous. It has 20 carefully selected questions that will evaluate your personality, needs, and wants.

It takes just a few minutes and it’s one of the fastest ways of finding out if you are polyamorous. However, just like with any quiz, false positives are possible. Therefore, don’t take the result to heart. Continue exploring and don’t settle until you feel like you found something that makes you happy.

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What Is Polyamory?

Polyamory is the philosophy and practice of loving multiple people at the same time. According to the research published in 2021, about 5% of the US population practices it. Despite that, there are still many misunderstandings about what polyamory means and how these relationships work.

People in polyamorous relationships are open to intimate, or romantic relationships with multiple people at the same time. It is often compared to open relationships and swinging by those who don’t grasp what polyamory is.

In open relationships, partners mutually agree that they can sleep with other people without the need of sharing it with their partner. On the other hand, polyamorous relationships are characterized by emotional, sexual, and romantic intimacy between partners. It is consensual and disclosed.

Additionally, cheating is possible just like in monogamous relationships which goes against the general notion. A big part of polyamory are the rules and boundaries that partners set. Hence, crossing those agreed boundaries is often considered cheating.polyamorous test

Types Of Polyamorous Relationships

While monogamous relationships are limited to one partner, polyamory comes in different forms based on the people involved. Additionally, these relationships can be open or closed meaning that the partners agree not to bring more people into the relationship.


Triad refers to the relationship between three people. It’s not necessary for all three people to date one another, but one person has to be dating two different people.


Quad is a polyamorous relationship with four people. It most commonly occurs when two polyamorous couples date a person from the other couple. Furthermore, it can be a full quad if all four members are romantically involved with each other.

Some other types of polyamorous relationships are polycule, kitchen table, parallel, and solo polyamory.

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am i polyamorous?

4 Signs That Polyamory is Right For You

Polyamorous relationships are not a type of sexual orientation or gender identity. Moreover, anyone can participate in it regardless if they are straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, or other.

However, polyamory isn’t the answer for everyone. One of the ways to find out if this relationship type will fit you is by taking a polyamory test like the one we have here. Also, you can read the following signs and see if they are true for you.

You Often Have Feelings For More Than One Person

Polyamory is the practice of loving multiple people at the same time. Thus, if you feel like you have a lot of love to give and it’s directed in multiple directions, you might be polyamorous.

You Feel Trapped In Monogamous Relationships

Every time you are in a monogamous relationship you feel like you are in jail. Your needs and wants are unsatisfied by the limitations of dating one person. Therefore most of your relationships fail without ever getting serious.

You Have Commitment Issues

Committing to one person is daunting to polyamorous people. They are afraid to commit to a relationship out of fear of losing their freedom to date others.

You Are Comfortable With Your Partner Being With Other People

Trust and communication are the keys to polyamorous relationships. If you are already comfortable with the idea of your partner being with others, then you have tackled the biggest problem.

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Am I Monogamous Or Polyamorous?

Monogamy is the most common type of relationship, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Traditional norms say that there should be only two partners in a relationship and going against them can be scary. Those courageous individuals who go against the norms may explore different types of relationships such as polygamy before deciding what works best for them.

If the thought of being committed to a single person for the rest of your life seems scary to you, you are not alone. Plenty of polyamorous people feel this way. Taking our quiz will quickly tell if you are monogamous or polyamorous.

Megan is our resident expert on matters of the heart and human connection. With a background in psychology and a passion for exploring the intricacies of love and sexuality, she curates quizzes that delve deep into the human experience. Megan's quizzes cover a spectrum of topics, from relationship dynamics to human sexuality, offering both fun and insightful content. Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of love or simply looking for some relationship advice, Megan's quizzes will enlighten and entertain.