Am I In a Toxic Relationship Quiz?

Are you feeling worn out and uneasy after spending time with your partner? Are you constantly fighting and nothing you do is ever enough? You might be in a toxic relationship. Take our quiz and see for yourself.


Toxic Relationship Quiz Explained

If you think you are in a toxic relationship, there’s no better way to prove it than by doing a test. Our “is my relationship toxic quiz” has 20 questions that are focused on your relationship. In the majority of the questions, you will have to select an answer that applies to your case.

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What Is a Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship is a relationship in which you feel unsupported, misunderstood, or even attacked. When a healthy relationship turns into a toxic one, your well-being gets threatened. That can be done in different forms, but the most common ones are emotional and psychological.

People often think that only a romantic relationship can be toxic. But that’s not true. Any type of relationship can be toxic. It can be a relationship with your parents, your boss, or your peers at work. Regardless of who your relationship is with, it can quickly become toxic if it makes you feel worse rather than better.

toxic relationship test

Toxic vs Healthy Relationship

When you are stuck in a toxic relationship for a long time, you can forget what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like. While the toxic relationship thrives on negative behaviors such as insecurity, jealousy, abuse, and negativity, which is completely opposite of a healthy relationship. In it, you will thrive due to the love, positivity, selflessness, and security that your partner brings.

5 Signs That Your Relationship Is Toxic

There are some clear signs that a relationship has turned sour. Read on to learn more about them.

You Feel Like You Need To Tip-Toe Around Them

Even the slightest thing upsets them. They can seemingly find a reason for a fight out of nothing. That causes you a great deal of mental stress and makes you tip-toe around them.

You Feel Worse After Spending Time With Them

You had a hard day at work and were really looking forward to spending some time with your partner. However, a few hours later you feel even worse than you did before. If that sounds like you, there’s a high chance you are in a toxic relationship.

You Give More Than You Get

In the majority of the toxic relationships, one side constantly puts in more effort than the other. That can quickly become tiring and put a strain on your relationship. If you find yourself doing that, try to talk to your partner about it. There might still be a chance to salvage your relationship.

should i leave toxic relationship quiz

It’s Always Your Fault

No matter what happens, somehow it’s always your fault. It’s raining when it’s not supposed to, your fault. Their favorite TV show got canceled, your fault. You are constantly apologizing and feeling bad about the things that are not in your control.

You Can’t Be Yourself Around Them

Their constant complaining takes a toll on your self-esteem. You can’t be your true self around them. Instead, you are showing a version of yourself that they approve of. At this point, you need to take a step back and consider how you want to move forward.

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How To Move On From a Toxic Relationship?

If you have tried to salvage the relationship by setting up boundaries and you’re still getting nowhere, it might be time to end the relationship. This is never easy, just remember you are doing it for yourself. You are prioritizing your needs and health, and that is amazing!

End the relationship swiftly and cut out all communication. However, if you choose to stay in touch with your partner try to avoid blaming them for your situation.

Megan is our resident expert on matters of the heart and human connection. With a background in psychology and a passion for exploring the intricacies of love and sexuality, she curates quizzes that delve deep into the human experience. Megan's quizzes cover a spectrum of topics, from relationship dynamics to human sexuality, offering both fun and insightful content. Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of love or simply looking for some relationship advice, Megan's quizzes will enlighten and entertain.