Am I Toxic Quiz

Do your relationships keep failing for no apparent reason? Maybe you are responsible for that. Take this quiz and see if you are toxic or not.


How Toxic Am I Quiz

The best way to find out if, and how toxic you are is by talking to the people closest to you. But, that can be uncomfortable and lead to even more problems. Therefore, we have the second best thing, a quiz that compares your personality and tendencies to those of a toxic person.

Through the 20 intriguing questions, you will learn more about yourself and find out if you are a toxic person or not. The quiz has a variety of questions, of which scenario-based ones are the most prevalent. You will be put in different situations and choose your reaction to them.

how toxic am i quiz

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Who Is a Toxic Person?

A toxic person is someone who exhibits actions and behaviors that hurt others around them. Toxic people negatively impact the lives of people around them and are often the reason their relationships go sour. There are different types of toxicity, such as parental, relationship, or social toxicity.

Moreover, there’s a distinct difference between being a toxic person and acting like one. Toxic people are aware that their actions are causing harm to others. They gain pleasure from hurting people around them. On the other hand, someone who acts toxic is unaware of their toxic behavior. There is a clear line between acting and being toxic, however, it can be hard to distinguish what another person is.

Therefore, listen to the feedback others are giving you and practice self-reflection. Becoming aware of your toxic habits is the first step to eradicating them from your personality.

Signs That You Are a Toxic Person

If you don’t feel like taking a quiz, take a look at the following signs of a toxic person and see if they apply to you.

Your Ego Has No Limit

You believe that you are more important than others. You disagree with anyone who has a different view than you. Even when it comes to topics that you have limited knowledge of, you always push your agenda and believe that you are correct.

am i toxic

You Are Passive-Aggressive

Despite being uncomfortable, conflict is inevitable. What we can do is choose the way we react to it. Toxic people avoid dealing with a problem. They resort to sulling, stubbornness, and subtle insults. This passive-aggressive approach is often the reason many relationships fail.

You Are Narcissistic

One of the obvious signs of a toxic person is narcissism. You are toxic if you love yourself to the extent that nobody or nothing else matters. You value yourself above everything else in life. You don’t think twice before hurting others to get what you want.

Everything Is a Competition To You

Toxic people tend to find competition in everything. You find it hard to express compassion to others. Imagine this: Your friend just finished telling a traumatic story. You respond by saying that it’s nothing and you’ve had it worse. You didn’t resonate with them, instead, you made their pain into a competition. If that sounds like you, there’s a high chance you are a toxic person.

You Are Nice To Others Only When It Benefits You

Toxic people aren’t always mean to others. Sometimes they are charming, empathetic, and seemingly an amazing person. Well, that’s until you no longer serve a purpose. Once you are no longer important for their self-interests, they lose interest in you. It’s like they become an entirely different person.

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The Quiz Said I Am Toxic, What’s Next?

Everyone says that they hate toxic people until it happens to them. It’s easy to become toxic if subtle and small toxic patterns go unnoticed. While it is true that some people enjoy being toxic, others want to become better.

The first step is acknowledging your toxicity. Spend some time self-reflecting and finding out what your issues are. Prioritize your experiences, feelings, and thoughts to find what affects your behavior. Afterward, work on those problems until they are gone. Also, seeking professional help is a great way to get rid of your toxicity.

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.