Sigma Female Quiz

Many women desire to be sigma females, but only some have the qualities and personality traits that would justify this exquisite rank. Take our sigma female quiz and see if you have what it takes to be called a sigma female.


Sigma Female Personality Test

Sigma is one of the most desired ranks in the female hierarchy. If you are a sigma female, there’s a good chance you don’t even need to take this test. You will know it in your heart. On the other hand, a little justification never hurt anyone.

What can you look forward to in this sigma personality test? Following 20 authentic questions will evaluate your personality, goals, and motivations. At the end of the quiz, you will see if you are a sigma female or not.

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Who Is A Sigma Female?

Sigma female is an independent and self-sufficient woman. These powerful women are driven, ambitious, and dedicated to their goals. While they might appear shy, it’s purely because of their independence. Moreover, they are confident and assertive. They don’t stick to the traditional norms of progressing in life. Sigma females believe they can carve any path for themselves and live their life the way they see fit.

Lone wolf is another term used to describe this female type. Sigma and alpha females share many similar qualities. Both are strong and dominant. However, sigma’s are introverted and often referred to as “introverted alpha females”.

Sigma females have the same qualities as sigma males. They don’t have the patience to be followers. Although they don’t want to be leading people, their charm and compassionate demeanor makes others follow them.

sigma female personality test

Signs That You Are A Sigma Female

Sigma females are unique. Take a look at the following signs and see how you resonate with them. If you are still unsure whether or not you are a sigma female after going through them, don’t forget to take our sigma female quiz.

You Always Have an Opinion

Sigma females have an opinion on seemingly anything. Even if the opinion is unpopular and will cause an argument, they’re not afraid of sticking by it despite what others think. Does that sound like you?

You Are Always Working Towards Something

Everyone is dreaming, but only certain individuals have the drive and perseverance to make their dream a reality. Sigma females are one of them. Setbacks don’t affect them. They are confident in their abilities and know that they will reach their dreams.

You Are Not Afraid Of Being Alone

People are social beings. It is wired in us to be around other people, to be social. Sigma females don’t follow the same pattern. They don’t look for approval and praise from the masses. Their unique confident and self-assured personality thrives when they’re alone.

You Are a Risktaker

When a person is driven and motivated to reach their goal no matter what, it’s no surprise they’re willing to take a risk or two. Sigma females are all about that end goal. Their confidence leaves no room for failure, which in turn justifies their risk-taking. This quality makes them great leaders and innovators. If that sounds like you, there’s a good chance you are a sigma female.

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You Value Honesty

If there is one thing lone wolf females hate, it’s lies. They put a high emphasis on honesty, even if the truth will hurt them. If someone lies to them, they see it as a betrayal. Have you given up on friends or partners because they weren’t honest with you?

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.