Omega Male Test

Are you curious about your place in the male socio-sexual hierarchy? Take this test and find out if you are an omega or not.


Find Out If You Are An Omega Male

Finding out if you are an omega male can be very beneficial. It may explain why you feel a certain way, or why you do not have the same aspirations as their peers. It can put you at peace with who you are, or motivate you to change who you are at the core.

There are a few ways you can see if the omega label applies to you. The easiest way is by taking our omega test. It has only 20 questions which will evaluate your personality and compare it with the traits of other omegas. It is important to note that your honesty is the crucial factor in getting an accurate result.

am i omega male

Who Is Considered An Omega?

If the men’s socio-sexual hierarchy is a pyramid with alpha men at the top, omegas are at the very bottom. This position makes many people believe that omegas are the “losers” of society. Moreover, it creates an unfair stereotype of this type of man. Despite popular belief, they are not the rejects of society. Here’s why.

Omegas do not condone the same principles the rest of the hierarchy abides. Archetypes like alpha and sigma are all about leading others, while some like beta are followers. Omega men aren’t wired that way. They have no interest in being either leaders or followers. They prefer doing everything their way.

Their way may be eccentric at times, but that’s what makes omegas interesting. They don’t settle for “normal” things like marriage and a steady job. Instead, they are devoted to their hobbies and projects. While they may not have aspirations to become the best in a specific field, their ability to live life to the fullest makes them unique.

Are Alpha and Omega The Same?

Alpha and omega couldn’t be further apart. Alpha is at the top of the hierarchy and is the most desired male archetype, while omegas are at the bottom. They are polar opposites of each other.

While alphas are constantly looking to improve themselves in any field imaginable, omegas are content with their place in the world. They’d rather spend their time enjoying their peculiar hobbies and interests. Moreover, you will always find an alpha at the helm, whereas omegas will be nowhere to be found.

am i alpha or omega quiz

Signs That You Are An Omega

Just like other archetypes, omega men share similar traits with one another. If you don’t want to take the omega test, checking how the following signs correlate to you is the second best way of discovering if you are an omega.

You Are Direct

Omega men will always say how they see things. They won’t try to sugarcoat a bad situation or lie about their intentions. Despite other people calling them foolish for that, omegas do not stress themselves with others' opinions.

You Have Eccentric Hobbies

Has anyone ever told you that you have odd hobbies? Omega men tend to enjoy things others in society frown upon. This includes but isn’t limited to playing video games, collecting unusual things, and reading comic books. While these things aren’t productive, the pleasure omegas derive from them is crucial for their independent souls.

You Don’t Want To Grow Up

Like Peter Pan, omega men refuse to grow up. They are children at heart who refuse responsibilities. Even though that may make them appear annoying and immature, they’d much rather prefer to keep their independence.

You Don’t Try To Impress Others

If you are not trying to impress others around you, there’s a fair chance you are an omega. Omegas don’t care at all about what other people think about them. Therefore, they will never go out of their way to impress others.

Competitions Aren’t Your Thing

While we live in a high-paced competitive world, omegas move at their own pace. They are comfortable with spectating from the sidelines and never reaching fame or a high place in society.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.