Loser Test

Do you keep failing at everything and the giant “L” on your forehead follows you everywhere? Take the loser test and find out if you are being too hard on yourself, or if it is time to make a change.


What Is A Loser Test?

Nobody wants to be a loser. Whether it is a label others put on you, or is the way you see yourself, it may hinder your growth. To check if others, or you are right for calling you a loser, take our test.

It has 20 personality based questions that will compare you to text-book losers. At the end, you will know if there are things you should work on, or if you are just being too hard on yourself. It is important to note that the quiz relies on your honesty. Answering dishonestly could lead to inaccurate and false results.

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loser quiz

Who Is Considered A Loser?

The definition of a loser may vary greatly depending on who you ask. The general notion is that losers are good for nothing. They are failures all-around. Regardless of what they attempt, they are most certainly going to be bad at it.

Arthur Scopenhauser said that losers are created by losers. Immanuel Kant contradicted that statement by saying that a loser's personality is formed by the inner and external experiences. Another theory says that everything is destined, meaning that losers can’t do anything about their situation.

Two Types Of Losers

There are two ways the loser label is applied to people. First one is the label others give to that person. For instance, one of your classmates did terribly in school. Due to their academic failures they are stuck at low paying jobs. Not only that, but they can’t seem to hold a relationship. Frankly, they have no prospects whatsoever. So, when someone refers to that person as a loser, you can understand what they are hinting at.

The second are self-applied losers. These people believe they can do nothing right. Their insecurities come within themselves. Movie star may have incredible wealth, be worshiped by countless fans, and yet may see themselves as a loser because of one failed movie.

am i a loser

Am I A Loser?

Knowing if you are a loser or not can be difficult. That’s where an objective short test comes in handy. However, if you are not into quizzes, taking a look at loser’s characteristics may be helpful.

You Blame Others For Your Shortcomings

Whether you face difficulty at work, school, or in your relationship, you always blame others. It’s either your stupid bosses fault, or your partners, but never yours. Shifting the blame to another person gives you a false sense that the problem is solved.

You Compare Yourself To Others

Losers are stuck in the endless cycle of comparing themselves to others. When they compare themselves to more successful people, they feel pity for their situation. On the other hand, comparing themselves to those below them gives them an excuse for avoiding responsibilities.

You Have Low Self Esteem

“This is not for me” is your favorite sentence. You don’t believe in your abilities. In return, you avoid learning new skills, languages, and generally moving forwards in life.

You Easily Give Up On Your Goals

Starting a new goal can be exciting. Losers have a problem with sticking to them. As mentioned earlier, losers tend to blame others for their troubles. The moment they face the slightest difficulty, the goal goes out the window.

You Reject Other Opinions

With the way losers have an opinion on seemingly any topic, you would think they have a dozen college degrees. They reject other people’s opinions without even considering them. On top of that, they can’t even comprehend how anyone could have an opposing opinion.

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How Can I Stop Being A Loser?

Whether our test said that you are a loser, or you consider yourself as one, it is time to fix that. If you see yourself as one, there’s no doubt others will begin looking at you that way too.

Not moving in life as fast as your peers can be scary, but that doesn’t make you a failure. Moreover, a single thing derailing doesn’t make you any less of a person. Comparing yourself to others will always cause more damage than good.

The root lies in the way you perceive yourself. Try to focus on the things you are good at, the things that make you happy. Once you are comfortable with who you are, you will resonate with different energy.

Remember that cleansing yourself of bad habits and thoughts can be a long process. If you ever stagnate or feel like resorting to your old ways, reach out to your friends and loved ones. Their support may be of great help.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.