Kibbe Body Type Test

Do you struggle to determine your body type? Take our Kibbe Body Type test below to understand your shape and body. 


What Is a Kibbe Body Type?

Are you aware of the Kibbe body type? David Kibbe is an image consultant who developed an in-depth method of categorizing body types. Kibbe's body types go beyond the usual categories of circle, rectangle, and hourglass.

Understanding your kibbe body type is important because each category comes with complementing set of colors, clothes, and shapes. Kibbe body types comprise 13 different types, categorized into five heads: Dramatic, Classic, Natural, Gamine, and Romantic. 

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what is my kibbe body type

Find Your Kibbe Body With Our Test

David Kibbe believed that the human body is a mix of Yin and Yang. Interestingly, Yin refers to feminine or soft features, whereas Yang represents sharp features. If you are interested in finding your Kibbe Body type, you must take our quiz. 

The test accounts for your features that are round, delicate, small, angular, etc. It stands out from other quizzes because it understands your features in-depth and yields accurate results. 

What Is My Kibbe Body Type?

Kibbe's body type is the new black! Everyone wants to know where they stand on the kibbe body type spectrum because it is intriguing and new. If you want to know your Kibbe Body Type, you should take the test. 

Once you answer the questions, the quiz will present you with one of the five body types. Each body type has a meaning that we will discuss in detail. 


The dramatic head comprises two different body types: dramatic (D) and soft dramatic (SD). The former carries different characteristics, including sharp, narrow, intimidating, narrow, and masculine. If you fall into this category, you appear confident and hard to approach. 

In contrast, if you are soft dramatic, you have delicate and simple facial features. Remember that you could still appear intimidating to others. However, your overall look carries warmth and delicacy.

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kibbe quiz


Similar to the dramatic, the romantic head carries two different body types. Firstly the pure romantic (R) is highlighted by someone with dominant Yin features with little to no signs of yang features. Your body shape, features, and skeleton are all very feminine. 

Next comes theatrical romantic (TR), which is romantic but has a somewhat sharp look. If you are wide and have sharp bones, you are likely to fall under this category. Those in this category mostly have Yin and medium to little yang features.


The classic head has three body types: pure classic, soft classic, and dramatic classic. You get a result of pure classic if you have a symmetrical body. Moreover, people whose features are uniform across the body get this result. 

In contrast, those with round eyes, soft cheeks, and bigger lips fall under the category of a soft classic. These people usually get the compliment that they are cute. Also, people with a soft classic body type usually have the biggest smile. 

Now let's come to the dramatic classic. If you have a classic body type, but your bone structure is more Yang because it is sharp and defined, you fall in the classic dramatic category. This body depicts that you have a mix of softness and sharpness. 


Similar to classic, natural has three body types. The first one is pure natural, in which all your features are yang features. In contrast, soft natural is when you have a yang feature with smoother curves and more flesh. 

Lastly, Flamboyant natural comprises a straight, large, and angular body. 

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Pure gamine has a mix of yin and yang features which creates a balance. In contrast, soft gamine is when you have more Yin in your flesh than Yang. So, you look softer, and your body isn't as sharp. 

Meet Claire, a quiz maestro with a love for chai tea. With a background in psychology, Claire specializes in personality, sexuality, and entertainment quizzes. Her distinctive touch, influenced by a passion for classic literature, brings a unique charm to her creations. Whether you're exploring yourself, seeking relationship insights, or diving into the entertainment world, Claire's quizzes offer an enriching and unique experience.