What Color Am I? – 100% Accurate Color Personality Test

Find your dominant personality color with this color personality test.


What Color Am I?

Colors are not simply things we can see. They can express how we, or others, see the world. Furthermore, they show our strengths and weaknesses, our motivations and vulnerabilities. As you can see, colors are a huge part of our lives. So who wouldn’t want to know which color they are?

The easiest way to find which color you are is by taking a color personality test. Now, there are dozens of different quizzes on the internet so why should you take this one? Our color personality test stands out in a way that each question is important and contributes to the result. There are no-nonsense filler questions.

what color am i

What Is a Color Personality Test?

A color personality test is a psychological test used to assess your personality traits and tendencies. It was developed by Don Lowry in 1978. Over the decades the test was changed to keep up with the evolving times. The original color personality test was used to help identify at-risk youth’s strengths and challenges. Nowadays, the test is mostly used for entertaining purposes.

The true color test aims to understand individuals' behaviors and motivations. That makes it very similar to the popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). However, MBTI says that everyone’s personality is a combination of all four colors. The true color test focuses only on the main ones.

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Different Colors And Their Meanings

The color personality test is vital for discovering your personality type. Read on to see the possible answers and learn more about them.


Individuals with red as their main color are very active. They are eager to experience the world with all five of their senses. They’re naturally passionate and competitive. When it comes to their career, they’re very achievement-oriented.

When it comes to social events, they’re always at the center of attention. Reds are full of life and aren’t afraid to pursue their dreams. In addition, they’re independent, productive, and proactive. Perfect member of any team. However, they can get irritated quickly if things aren’t to their liking.


People whose main color is green are practical and realistic. They are very down to Earth with their expectations. Coupled with their high intellect, there’s no wonder they are stable characters who nothing bothers. In relationships, they are loyal, generous, and kind.

Another trait of green individuals is their love for nature and animals. They can seemingly spend their entire time outdoors without feeling fatigued. They’re also great foodies. In contrast, they are not big risk-takers.

what color are you quiz


Optimistic, enthusiastic, spontaneous, and persuasive. Those are the traits that describe people who get yellow on a color personality test. You will love being around them due to their joyfulness and urge for fun. Unlike reds who love social events, they prefer smaller gatherings of like-minded friends.

Creativity is one of the things that sets them apart from others. Combined with spontaneity, it’s no surprise they are always looking for something new to do. That being said, they can forget about others and become self-centered. They don’t mind relationships, but they prefer being single. In addition, they’re very picky when it comes to their partners and are ready to leave at a moment’s notice.


The blue color stands for dependable and trusted people. Their goal is other people’s loyalty to them. If you ask them what life is about, they will say ‘perfection’ with no hesitation. They long for inner peace. Thus, meditation and quiet time to relax are an important part of their everyday life.

They don’t mind sacrificing in relationships if it means it will improve. Likewise, they’re steady and self-disciplined, but also insecure. Being a perfectionist has its flaws. They often struggle to see the positive side of life.

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White is the purest of all colors. These individuals are optimistic, wise, and far-sighted. They hate lying and will remain honest regardless of the consequences. They are not a fan of violence and loud noises. Instead, they resort to resolving the conflicts peacefully.

In relationships, they find joy in the simplest of things. It doesn’t take a lot to keep them happy. However, they avoid conflict as best as they can. They expect respect from their partner no matter the situation and can easily become controlling. Lastly, they are independent, confident and self-sufficient. They’re not strangers to making hard decisions.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.