Best Friend Quiz

Best friends are those siblings that we never had; even if some do have siblings, best friends are still the only ones who can fill certain gaps in our lives. They are our people, people with whom we can share our happiness, sorrow and go on fun dates. But how do you know whether you are best friends with your friend or not? Take our best friend quiz and find out!


How Does Best Friend Quiz Look Like?

People we surround ourselves with are vital to our growth, and our best friend is someone we can not live without. However, we often mistake some people as our best friends even when they may be only our acquaintances.

 To save yourself from some emotional baggage, you should take our best friend quiz, which will ask you 20 questions about your best friend to determine whether someone is your best friend or not. To get even better results, you can play the quiz with your best friend so both of you can contribute. 

We know that there may be many other quizzes that you may have already tried and had inaccurate results with, so why bother trying this quiz? Well, our best friend quiz gives the most accurate results and will surely let you know if someone is your best friend or not.

Best Friend Test

How Do We Know That They Are Our Best Friends?

Whether you have exchanged best friend bracelets in middle school, get matching outfits every time you go shopping, or call them before anyone else when something exciting happens in your life, your relationship with your best friend may still be a little confusing. But don't worry because we have a few pointers which will help you determine whether someone is your best friend or not.

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You Text Your Best Friend A Lot

We all agree that communication is the key to every relationship. Similarly, it’s also very important between two best friends. So if you find yourself texting your best friend a lot or vice versa, your friend truly is your best friend.

Your Best Friend Is Your Cheerleader

Whenever you reach somewhere prominent in life or achieve something, and at that moment, if your best friend is the happiest person in your life, that person truly is your best friend!

You Trust Each Other

Whether you discuss your private lives, gossip about the person you hate or want to talk about your work endeavors, you can always trust your best friend. And that is how you know that they are your best friend.

are we best friends quiz

There's Consistency In Your Relationship

As we grow older and move on to different stages of our lives like getting married, moving abroad, having a baby, our relationship dynamics with our best friend also change to a great extent. But, regardless of the varying factors in your life, if you continue to talk to your best friend and hang out often, you have found your true best friend!

They Understand You

It is not easy for people to always understand what you mean and how you feel, but a true best friend will always understand you in all aspects of your life and support you if you are right, and give you constructive criticism if you are wrong.

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You Never Feel Socially Burned Out After Hanging Out Together

When we hang out with our friends, sometimes we can feel maxed out by just being social with certain people. However, you do not feel socially burnt out when you hang out with your best friend; instead, you may feel way better after meeting them. Instead, they brighten your day and can make you forget about all of your problems.

Megan is our resident expert on matters of the heart and human connection. With a background in psychology and a passion for exploring the intricacies of love and sexuality, she curates quizzes that delve deep into the human experience. Megan's quizzes cover a spectrum of topics, from relationship dynamics to human sexuality, offering both fun and insightful content. Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of love or simply looking for some relationship advice, Megan's quizzes will enlighten and entertain.