Am I Selfish Quiz

Someone called you selfish. But, are they right? Take our quiz and find out if you are selfish or not.


See How Selfish You Are With a Quiz

There is a little bit of selfishness in all of us. But, the selfish label is reserved only for the people who don’t care about others and their well-being. Are you selfish, and if yes, how selfish are you? These are the questions you will get an answer to by taking our quiz.

The selfish quiz has 20 intriguing questions. They are curated towards the topic of selfishness therefore the quiz has very high accuracy. But, it must be said that no test is perfect and that the result of this quiz should be taken lightly.

are you selfish

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What Is Selfishness?

Selfish people are everywhere. There’s a good chance we all interact with a selfish person at least once a day. You can spot them in the media, on the street, in your circle of friends, or even in the mirror. But, what is selfishness exactly?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a selfish person is someone who is concerned excessively, or only with themselves. They are strictly about their advantage, pleasure, and well-being with no regard for others. If there is a cake, a selfish person grabs the last piece without a second thought.

Am I Selfish?

Did someone call you selfish, and you fear that they might be right? Don’t worry, by taking our selfish quiz you will have your answer in minutes. Also, take some time and do some self-reflection. Questions like “How did my last relationship end”, and “Are my friends keeping things from me” are good starting points.

Signs That You Are Selfish

Most of the people are at least a little bit selfish. The problem arises when someone doesn’t care about others and strictly looks for their self-interests. One way to check if you are selfish is by taking a quiz like the one we have here. Or, you can take a look at the following signs and see if they’re true for you.

You Lack Empathy

You don’t care about other people’s well-being or feelings. In other words, you lack empathy. You see things only from your perspective without trying to put yourself in others’ shoes. Lastly, you don’t hesitate to hurt others if it means you will get what you want.

You Are Controlling

Seemingly nothing happens without your influence. If someone tries to do something not to your liking, you manipulate or control them to get the desired result. Your relationships tend to be one-sided with a clear lack of limits and boundaries.

selfish test

You Are Self-Centered

Selfish people tend to be at the center of attention. They love talking about themselves, especially praising their deeds and accomplishments. If you shut down anyone who tries to join in the conversation, or they are always about you, you might be selfish. Take the quiz to see.

You Lack Perspective

Not being able to see someone else’s side of a disagreement can happen, but if you consistently lack perspective, there could be a bigger underlying problem. Selfish people disregard other people’s views, opinions, and beliefs if they don’t align with theirs.

You Think Rules Don’t Apply To You

Selfish and self-centered people do things their own way which frequently means breaking rules. Due to their arrogance, carelessness, and lack of empathy, they believe that rules don’t apply to them.

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The Quiz Said I’m Selfish, What Next?

The quiz said that you are selfish and you are wondering what now. The first thing you need to decide is whether or not you want to change. The change will be gradual and the support from your loved ones will be important. In case you fall back to your selfish tendencies, you should urge your close ones to speak up. If you are still struggling, talking with a counselor or therapist can be of great help.

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.