Starseed Quiz

Do you ever feel like you don't belong here? Well that might be because you are a Starseed, a spiritual being that came from another planet. This short Starseed quiz will reveal which Starseed are you.


Starseed Test Explained

Just like there are a wide variety of constellations in the universe, there is also a wide variety of Starseeds. Finding out which one you are can be difficult without any help. That's where our Starseed test comes in.  Through the following 20 questions, you will learn new things about yourself, and more importantly, you will discover which Starseed you are. In the end, you will finally experience inner peace and have a sense of belonging.

What Are Starseeds?

According to the theosophist Alice Bailey, Starseeds are highly evolved souls who came to Earth from different planets to spread positivity. These people often feel like they don't belong or quite fit in with the rest of the world. However, they can sense a connection with the stars and the cosmos. On top of that, Starseeds often possess clairvoyance or telepathy. They are empathic and greatly affected by the emotions of those around them.

What Starseed Am I?

There are different types of Starseeds and they each come with different characteristics. Read on to learn more about them. On the other hand, take the Starseed quiz if you are eager to find the result.

ALSO TRY: Are you a Snowflake? 

1. Orion Starseed

The Orion Starseed belongs to the Orion Constellation. The Orion Constellation has multiple planets. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn signs usually fall into the Orion Starseed category. People who have a good sense of humor and are popular can be an Orion Starseed. They are also very cold, controlled, and self-reserved kinds of people. But, they are always open to learning new things. Lastly, it can be hard for them to stick to one job or career.

2. Arcturian Starseed

Starseed Test

The Arcturian Starseed belongs to the star Arcturus of the Bootes Constellation. Arcturians are blessed with great public speaking skills and often hold leadership roles. They are highly intellectual souls with a mission to build an advanced and technological world. Furthermore, they are known for their knack for mathematics throughout the universe. Members of this Starseed have plans for everything and are one of the most compassionate Starseeds out there.  

3. Pleiadian Starseed

The Pleiadian Starseed belongs to the Seven Sister Constellation. These Starseeds can be recognized as pure humanitarians who are always compassionate and understanding. They have a very gentle and peaceful nature. Some of their characteristics are being extremely sensitive as well as being people pleasers. Love and light are what rules the soul of the Pleiadians. Pleiadians have very feminine energy and are great healers. On top of that, they are also blessed with the natural gift of intuition.

4. Sirian Starseed

Sirius, or the Dog Star Sirius, is the brightest star during nighttime. This makes it clear why Sirian Starseeds love canines. They are extremely patient and very level-headed individuals. But they are quite bad when it comes to expressing their innermost emotions and feelings. This is mainly why clear communication is missing in their relationships. On the other hand, they are quite artistic and make great writers. They always stand up for animal rights and can form deep connections with them.

which starseed are you

5. Lyran Starseed

Lyran Starseed belongs to the Lyra Constellation. Most of their behavioral characteristics are similar to cats. They are usually fierce and can make independent decisions no matter how intense the situation. Lyrans are hard-working, appreciate good food, and always embrace their sexuality. Generally speaking, they have an athletic spirit and are always ready for a party. They have divine masculine touch and are born full of energy. You can recognize them as ultimate risk-takers.  

Meet Elisabeth, a versatile quiz author who delves into personality traits, human connections, and the exciting world of entertainment. With a background in psychology, Elisabeth designs quizzes that uncover your inner self, shedding light on your unique personality and relationships. Additionally, she explores the captivating landscapes of movies, music, and pop culture in her entertaining quizzes. Whether you're on a quest for self-discovery, relationship insights, or a dose of pop culture fun, Elisabeth's quizzes are your go-to source.