Should I Get Back With My Ex Quiz

Getting over an ex is difficult, especially when you gave them your heart and soul. You might sometimes miss your ex and wonder if you should get back with them. If you want your ex back in your life but aren't sure if it is the right decision, you should take the quiz below.

What Makes Our Quiz Different

This quiz incorporates all factors that will help you decide if you should get back with your ex. It covers everything from your feelings to the past relationship and other factors such as:

Your Mental State

Are you in the right headspace to commit to your ex? Remember that you will have to erase many dirty memories to start over again. And for that, you must be in a good place mentally.

Getting back with your ex might trigger bad emotions if your relationship ended badly. Therefore, looking at your mental state before trusting your ex and getting back with them is important.

do i still have feelings for my ex

Your Break Up

It is important to consider why you broke up with your ex in the first place. Were they toxic? Did you break up because of the long distance? Were you two not able to understand each other? Whatever the reason, you must ensure that the problem is no longer there.

You can only get back with your ex if both of you realize your mistakes and are ready to work on them.

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Your Opinion Of Your Ex

Ask yourself – do I want to get back with my ex because they are a nice person, or am I just bored of being single? You must be wise when choosing your significant other. So, what you think of your ex as a person matters a lot.

Is The Flame Still There?

For a relationship to work, there must be a spark between the two of you. You should only get back with your ex if you feel tingles while talking to them, you are excited to see them, and you understand each other.

If you feel the urge to talk to your ex and meet them, then chances are that there's chemistry between the two of you, and you could spice things up in the future.

5 Signs You Are Still Not Over Them

These are some of the most common signs that you are still not over your ex and will most likely get back together;

Everything Reminds You Of Them

If you think of your ex while visiting a place, listening to a song, or watching a romantic movie, then you are still caught up over them. Time heals everything, but if you are still getting flashbacks, it may be a sign to reach out to them.

You Secretly Visit Their Social Media

Stalking people is fine, but stalking your ex? We aren't sure about that. If you are stalking your ex, checking their followers, and reading comments on their posts, you aren't over him yet.

You Look For Opportunities To Reach Out To Them

People tend to reach out to those they care for and are close to. If you find yourself reaching out to your ex at the slightest inconvenience, you miss talking to them and would love to be around them.

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You Are Still Talking About Them

If you mention your ex on dates with other people or bring up their names while talking to your friends, it is a vivid sign of you wanting them back.

am i over my ex quiz

You Can’t Let Go Of The Gifts They Gave You

Call yourself a hoarder all that you want, but if you still sleep with the plushie your ex gave you, you are having difficulty moving on.

Maybe You Are Not Over Your Ex Just Yet

An ex can leave a huge impact on your life, making it hard for you to move on. It is hard to get over someone we spent the craziest times with. If you relate to the above signs, you are still not over your ex.

However, please do not rush to get into a relationship with them without being ready. Weigh all factors before deciding because your happiness might be at stake and make sure to take our quiz.

Megan is our resident expert on matters of the heart and human connection. With a background in psychology and a passion for exploring the intricacies of love and sexuality, she curates quizzes that delve deep into the human experience. Megan's quizzes cover a spectrum of topics, from relationship dynamics to human sexuality, offering both fun and insightful content. Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of love or simply looking for some relationship advice, Megan's quizzes will enlighten and entertain.