Does He Like Me? This 100% Honest Quiz Will Tell You

You might be reading your chats with that one special person and wondering if he likes you or not. Liking a person will give you all the butterflies in the world, but being liked back is something extraordinary. If you want to know if he likes you, you should take our quiz right away.


One Quiz To Answer All Your Questions

This quiz will enlighten you and help you understand if he likes you or not by covering multiple important factors, including:

How Close You Are

When a person likes you, it is hard for him to detach from you, so he tries his best to stick to you. We will look into how close you two are to each other and whether he is that close to anyone else.

Remember that closeness allows people to bond, develop feelings for each other, and commit to each other.

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Your Needs and Priorities

You must focus on what your needs and priorities are and whether you can prioritize that person in your life right now. While at it, you must also check whether you are his number one priority and if he goes out of his way to fulfill your needs.

If he's putting in half the effort and not giving attention to your needs, chances are that he doesn't like you.

Are You Into Him

Infatuation works like a two-way road. There are higher chances of a person liking you if you like him too. So, you must question yourself on whether you are into him.

You must carefully look at whether you are attracted to him, are ready to get together, or want to have a fling with him.

how can i know if he likes me

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Signs That He Is Totally Into You

Are you afraid that the person you like is all talk and no action? Well, these signs will help you determine if he is into you.

He Stands By You No Matter What

He is definitely into you if he has stayed by your side during tough times. Not everyone is willing to put time and effort into friendship/relationship. So, if he is there for you and his actions are louder than his word, you would understand that he is the one.

He Takes Every Opportunity To Compliment You

When a boy likes you, he likes you wholeheartedly and will do everything to make you feel beautiful. If he appreciates your features, dressing sense, or makeup and makes you feel good about yourself, then we have good news for you - he likes you!

He Doesn't Shy Away From Showing You Off

If he is going out with you, putting up stories with you, and introducing you to his friends, it indicates that he is into you.

However, if he is secretly talking to you and doesn't want you to discuss it with anyone, you should take a step back and reevaluate your situation.

He Openly Communicates Everything With You

He tells you everything about his day and wants to know about yours. He wants to drag conversations because he likes talking to you and won't leave you feeling lonely.

So, if he takes every opportunity to drop you a message or call you, there's a high chance that he likes you.

how to tell if a guy is into you

He Respects Your Boundaries And Values

A guy who likes you will always respect your morals and beliefs and never cross boundaries. If he is open to differences of opinion and respects you despite the differences, then he likes you more than you think he does.

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He Expresses Emotions In Front Of You

Many men find it hard to express their emotions because of their upbringing. However, if he puts an open heart and discusses everything with you, it entails that he is comfortable in your presence which relates to him liking you.

Who Should Make The First Move?

It's irrelevant who makes the first move as long as someone does. If you see that he's not making a step forward, you should take a chance and ask him out regardless if it's in person or over a text.

There's nothing wrong in making the first move when you like the person and want him. Making a move might bless you with the best relationship of your life, so go for it!

Megan is our resident expert on matters of the heart and human connection. With a background in psychology and a passion for exploring the intricacies of love and sexuality, she curates quizzes that delve deep into the human experience. Megan's quizzes cover a spectrum of topics, from relationship dynamics to human sexuality, offering both fun and insightful content. Whether you're seeking to understand the nuances of love or simply looking for some relationship advice, Megan's quizzes will enlighten and entertain.