World War II Quiz

Are you a history buff? If so, it’s time for you to test your knowledge about the countries, people, places, and battles of World War 2. We have created the hardest WW2 quiz for you to find out how much you know about the greatest war in history of mankind!

So, without further ado, let’s get into it!


WW2 Test

We have provided some general information about World War 2. Now, if you think you know all about this bloodiest war, take our WW2 Quiz.

Keep in mind that this one is the hardest World War 2 quizzes out there. So, it’s certainly not going to be a piece of cake.

World War II – Everything You Need to Know

World War 2 is considered the bloodiest conflict of the twentieth century. It was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. This war involved most of the major countries which formed two opposite military alliances – Allies and Axis.

It is estimated that World War 2 involved 100 million personnel directly from up to 30 countries. Some countries put their entire scientific, industrial, and economic capacities behind the war effort. In WW2, aircrafts played an important role, allowing the use of strategic bombing on populated areas and later, the use of nuclear weapons.

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The Sheer Scale Of The War

There is no denying that World War 2 was the bloodiest conflict in human history.. It resulted in more than 80 million casualties, of which most were civilians. Millions of people died due to diseases, massacres, starvation, and genocide.

World War 2 saw the rise of two military alliances: the Axis Powers and the Allies. The major Axis Powers were Japan, Italy, and Germany. They created the Tripartite Pact. Afterward, six more nations joined the Tripartite Pact, including Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Croatia.

Alternatively, the major countries of the Allies were the United Kingdom, Poland, and France. In a short time period, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia also joined the Allies. The United States and Russia intended to remain neutral. However, they joined the Allies with several other countries as the war continued.

world war 2 test

Importance in History

It’s important to study about WW2 because it gives us the opportunity to learn. For instance, people can see from this incident that war should never be an option. Most of the casualties were linked to civilians, showing just how gruesome any major conflict is on the ordinary men.

So, instead of spreading hate and creating conflicts, each and every country has to promote peace and love. World War 2 also exposed how dangerous nuclear weapons are. It also gave us the ability to destroy all life on the planet. As most countries are now nuclear powers, we live in a constant fear of nuclear war hanging over our heads.

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WW2 Aftermath

So, who really won at the end of the bloodiest conflict of the twentieth century? Was it the Allies or the Axis Powers? Generally speaking, the Allies won World War 2. This war ended when the U.S. General accepted Japan’s formal surrender on the U.S. Battleship Missouri.

Even though the Allies included several countries, in reality, the United States won the actual war. Unlike other countries, their economy grew rapidly during the war. Moreover, their casualties were the least compared to other major combatants.

Jerry is our entertainment guru, combining his love for movies, TV shows, and games into captivating quizzes. With an encyclopedic knowledge of the entertainment world, Jerry crafts quizzes that challenge your pop culture and gaming expertise. From classic films to the latest video games, his quizzes encompass it all. Whether you're a cinephile, a TV series addict, or a gaming enthusiast, Jerry's quizzes will put your knowledge to the test.