Ancient Rome Quiz

Roman civilization is one of the greatest civilizations that ever lived. Their history starts after founding the city of Rome on 7 hills in the 8th century BC. After that, they would become the biggest republic and after that empire on the planet for a long time. It wouldn't be until 476 AD that Western Roman Empire would meet its end. See how familiar are you with it in the Ancient Rome Quiz.


Ancient Rome Trivia

Roman civilization went through three different government types, kingdom, republic, and ultimately empire. They wouldn't become a world power until destroying Carthage, their great nemesis in 146. It took three Punic Wars to do that. By doing so they achieved supremacy in the Medittarian. The republic would last for only 2 more centuries before collapsing and turning Rome into an empire. 

In 60 BCE Gaius Julius Caesar joined Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus in the First Triumvirate. The trio ruled Rome for a long time until their reign ended tragically. Crassus died leading an army against the Parthian empire. Pompey was killed in Egypt while running away from Ceasar. Lastly, Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC.

Roman Empire was at its greatest during the rule of Trajan. Constantine was the first emperor to empower Christianity after centuries-long torture. Western Roman Empire ended in 476 AD. Romans contributed to today's society, politics, technology, and more.

Find out how much you know about these great people in our Ancient Rome quiz.

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